
Privacy Policy

Last Updated: May 30, 2024

Thank you for visiting the Westcott House Foundation’s (“Westcott” or “we” or “us”) Internet website and related applications (the “Site”). We provide this Privacy Policy to highlight our policies in connection with personal data we collect online and offline. This Privacy Policy explains the types of information we collect, how we may use and share the information, and your options with respect to our handling of personal information about you.

This Privacy Policy covers the following:

Job Opportunities

Currently there are no job openings at the Westcott House. However, our new Volunteer Training program will be released soon!


Other Wright Sites to Visit

The following list includes links to all public Wright sites in the United States.  


The Rosenbaum House
601 Riverview Dr, Florence, AL 35630


Arizona Biltmore Hotel
24th St and Missouri, Phoenix, AZ 85016

Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium
Arizona State University Campus Gammage Pkwy and Apache Blvd, Tempe, AZ 85287

Visit the Westcott House

Public Guided Tour Times

May through October: 
Tuesday - Saturday: 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Sunday: 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm

November through April: 
Tuesday - Friday: 11am, 1pm, 3pm 
Saturday: 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Sunday: 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm

Limited wheelchair accessibility available.
Street parking available.

Pecha Kucha

2016 schedule will be announced soon

Suggested Donation: $5

Cash Bar available

Restoration Partners

Many dedicated persons and corporate entities worked together to fulfill the dream of restoring the Westcott House. Architects, construction engineers, lawyers, bankers, preservationists, photographers, artisans and craftspeople, writers, state and local public officials, and corporate and individual donors were among those who succeeded in this major endeavor.

Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy

In September 2000, the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy purchased the Westcott House from Sherri Snyder with the expressed intention of selling the property to the newly-created Westcott House Foundation. The purchase agreement afforded the Westcott House Foundation the necessary time to apply for and receive tax-exempt status. It further established an easement on the property guaranteeing the protection of the property as a Frank Lloyd Wright site in perpetuity. The Westcott House Foundation was granted tax-exempt status in early 2001.

The Restoration of the Westcott House

Restoring The Westcott House to its original state was a painstaking and exacting labor of love. Because of the importance of restoring this Frank Lloyd Wright treasure and the need for the highest quality of preservation and restoration architecture, the Westcott House Foundation sought a proven restoration architectural team.

Westcott Board of Trustees

Board Officers:

John Landess
Board Chair
Executive Director, The Turner Foundation, Springfield, Ohio

Teresa Demana
Board Vice-Chair
Co-owner, Benjamin Steel, Springfield, Ohio

Karen Woeber
Board Treasurer & Secretary
Operations Research Analyst, Department of Defense, United States Air Force, Springfield, Ohio 

Board of Trustees:

Nancy Lyons Abernathy
Retired Vice President and General Manager, Mead Imaging Division, Production Department Manager, P&G, Kettering, Ohio


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